Healthy, Luminous Skin from Inside Out
Healthy skin is fed from both the inside and outside. Healthy eating, good hydration, nourishing and non-toxic skincare products, and internal cleansing are important pillars for skin health over the long term.
Our skin is our largest organ of elimination. When the colon is sluggish or there is a heavy toxic load in the body, toxins circulate to all parts of the body, including the skin. Eczema, acne, liver spots, rosacea, psoriasis, etc., are signs of internal pollution. A clean colon helps beautify the skin.
We absorb what we put on our skin. Products applied to the skin are absorbed into the lymphatic system and circulated throughout your body. These products and their associated chemicals can accumulate in the body over time.
Steps to Healthy Skin

Good Digestion
The story of beautiful skin begins in your digestive system. When your digestive organs and liver are being nourished and working well, the skin will be lustrous and healthy.
A superfoods program designed to detoxify and nourish can help reboot the digestive system.

Non-Toxic & Effective Skincare Products
The European Union bans 1400 chemicals in skincare products that they believe are too toxic for human skin. The US bans only 300.
Arbonne is a company that has developed pure products with botanically based ingredients in scientifically tested formulas. They combine the best of science and nature to produce formulas that deliver incredible results.
The scientists at Arbonne consistently improve and evaluate their ingredient policy as an ever-evolving standard of excellence. Each product is carefully formulated and crafted with potent botanicals to enhance beauty, health and wellness from inside out.
Read below about the Arbonne products I recommend, or you can visit the shop directly (opens in new window).

Proper Hydration
Your skin needs water, yet most people are chronically dehydrated. Adding lemon to your water can help it absorb into your cells.
Colonics help your skin by hydrating your body and lessening the toxic load in your body.

Complete Elimination
Complete bowel elimination on a daily basis is essential. Certain foods can help. For example, celery juice is good for the skin by helping the bowels evacuate and hydrating the body. Many people have found celery juice along with simple dietary changes helpful for healing rosacea, acne, eczema and psoriasis.
Also very helpful for detoxing the body is the fermented plum we carry. Share Plum is a natural detoxifying supplement that is rich in enzymes and probiotics, and helps the colon eliminate completely. Fermented green plums are mixed with special herbal powders. Share Plum helps with pimples, freckles and other skin conditions. It also reduces fat and helps to control body weight, and is available for purchase in our online shop and at our office.
“Vitality and beauty are gifts of Nature for those who live according to its laws.” ~ Leonardo da Vinci
Why We Stand Behind Arbonne Products
The European Union bans 1400 chemicals in skincare products that they believe are too toxic for human skin.
The U.S. bans only 300!
At Vitality Flow we recommend Arbonne products (opens in new window) because they have been developed with botanically based ingredients in scientifically tested formulas.
Created in Switzerland by leading biochemists, biologists and herbalists, Arbonne produces formulas that we have found to be unparalleled in quality and effectiveness.
Product links open new windows.